Client: Capital Projects, Musgrove Park Hospital, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Project Managers: Art for Life Co-ordinators Bronwen Gwillim and Lisa Harty

Architects: BDP 

Specialist Consultants + Manufacturers: Taunton Fabrications + Alumet Systems UK Ltd 

Main Contractor and Developer: BAM 

Photography:  Corbin O Grady + John Seaman + Taunton Fabrications

‘Murmuration’ – a collective noun for Starlings

The inspiration for the project was the ‘starling spectacular’ seen over the Somerset Levels at the RSPB Reserves at Ham Wall & Shapwick Heath.  What is mesmerising and memorable about this flocking movement, is the creation of beautifully fluid and animated forms.  

This project evolved as an interpretation, rather than an illustration, of such an event. 

The concept explores the shadows cast by a flocking Murmuration of starlings as it races around the new building casting abstracted forms across the zinc-clad rain-screens on the most prominent corners.  It is intended that the work can be seen from afar and from varying aspects as you approach the Jubilee Building both on foot and by car or public transport. 

The image is an especially evocative one to conjure with when describing a dynamic hospital environment such as Musgrove Park - itself a large social grouping, comprising many individuals, teams, groups, and specialist units, working in unison.  

The Murmuration captures a snapshot in time when everyone in the building may be momentarily in unison.  It is a beautiful and implicit thing performed unconsciously.

  • The sculpture is made from repeating modular motifs; in this case an ellipse and a circle employed to create a sense of multiple flocks coming together to create one unified form. The individual bird profiles are all interconnected and therefore able to be cut from panels of sheet stainless steel metal, whilst still maintaining strength and unity. The overall design was broken up into manageable sections, which could then be re-assembled into its flocking formations.

    The panels are a mix of bright mirror & satin finishes, to vary the reflective impact of the work. To create a sense of depth, the panels are held off the zinc cladding by two depths of fixing spacer bracket. The variations in height and surface finishes of the panels further enhance the sculptural qualities of the work and the effects and consequences of natural light and the Somerset weather upon it.

    The Murmuration project was manufactured and installed by Taunton Fabrications, a locally based company who are leading manufacturers of architectural metalwork in the south of England.  Jason Rigby, founder and managing director of Taunton Fabrications said “Hard to believe that we completed this art work project 10 years ago. I drive past the murmuration most days and it still looks fantastic. Our Design Director Phil Harris managed the project from concept to completion.”

    ‘Christopher Tipping is a nationally renowned artist who has been delivering artwork for healthcare settings for 25 years. Christopher was commissioned in October 2009 to work with the Trust’s Design Team to develop this and other artworks integrated into the design and build of the Jubilee Building. Other works by Christopher Tipping are the Central Concourse Screen and the three Tree Panels sited within the Jubilee ward reception areas.

    Murmuration was commissioned by Art for Life, Musgrove Park Hospital’s arts programme which for over 20 years has been working with staff, artists, and service users to enhance the experience of those spending time in hospital, helping to create high quality, distinctive, welcoming and sensitively considered environments that support patients, carers, visitors and staff. Further information on Art for Life is available at’


